How had I spent so many times teaching other people how to run an overwhelm-free business… when I was drowning in overwhelm myself?
Nuh-huh, this could not be my life.
That’s when I decided that I needed to walk my talk. I created my own dream business, using the principles I’d been teaching for years.
And by Deciding My Way to Wealth™, instead of hustling the whole damn way, guess what happened?
I replaced my corporate salary in my first year and hit 6-figures shortly after.
Now, the journey was far from challenge-free…
But I got there by bending every marketing rule, experimenting & testing relentlessly, and evolving the exact strategies I learned working with CEOs of Fortune 500 companies & making them work in the online coaching world.
“We are innately powerful and find joy in the challenge. We laugh in the face of a “No” because we trust our desires as safe guidance for what we’re truly on this planet to achieve.”
- The Millionaire Girl Next Door®